Draft Bike Plan Released
The Napa Valley Transportation Authority (NVTA) has released a draft Countywide Bicycle Plan for comment, and your input is needed!
The Draft Bike Plan serves as the blueprint for bike safety improvements in our community. It identifies where new bike lanes will go, and what kinds of safety programs are needed. It also lays out goals for shifting travel in Napa County away from single-occupancy vehicles to biking, walking, and more active forms of transportation.
The Plan is broken in to six major segments, one for each city/town, and a separate segment for the unincorporated County. Each community will be asked to adopt their segment of the plan, and is responsible for identifying funding and constructing improvements listed in the plan.
Deadline for Comments: March 15th
The Bicycle Coalition will be providing comments, and your input is needed.
Please use the link below to download the plan, and review the segment that covers your community, or the areas where you ride the most.
Comments can be sent to Diana Meehan, Active Transportation Coordinator with NVTA. Email her at: dmeehan [at] nvta.ca.gov